We experience life in our favorite pair of jeans. The fades, whiskers, and rips in our jeans tell stories, and those stories do not deserve to end in a landfill.  That is where the "Live on Line" for Levi's comes in.  A mock product launch

"Live On Line"

 We experience life in our favorite pair of jeans. The fades, whiskers, and rips in our jeans tell stories, and those stories do not deserve to end in a landfill.  That is where the "Live on Line" for Levi's comes in.  A mock product launch

We experience life in our favorite pair of jeans. The fades, whiskers, and rips in our jeans tell stories, and those stories do not deserve to end in a landfill.  That is where the "Live on Line" for Levi's comes in.

A mock product launch strategy submission for Pensole's Lace Up Sneaker show, I developed a recycling and repurposing program for Levi's that would collect worn blue jeans, and recreate 1-of-1 patchwork denim jackets.